30 Mar 2022

Prof. Jackie Hunter
Board Director, BenevolentAI

Join BenevolentAI’s Board Director, Jackie Hunter, at ELRIG Research & Innovation 2022 for a keynote presentation.

There are multiple opportunities to apply artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies to drug discovery to uncover novel insights, enhance understanding and augment scientific decision making, in order to ultimately increase efficiency and increase the chance of success. In this talk, Jackie Hunter will chart the progress of AI in drug discovery from promise to reality, by providing examples from BenevolentAI's in-house drug pipeline and its partnerships with pharma companies. She will also show how AI can impact the whole value chain via a case study from Brainomix, where she also serves as Board Director.

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Jackie Hunter

Jackie Hunter is a Board Director of BenevolentAI. Jackie has over 30 years of experience in the bioscience research sector, working across academia and industry including leading neurology and gastrointestinal drug discovery and early clinical development for GlaxoSmithKline. She founded OI Pharma Partners in 2010 to support the life science sector in harnessing the power of open innovation and most recently was Chief Executive of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. She holds personal chairs from St George’s Hospital Medical School and Imperial College and serves on numerous advisory bodies and boards including the Technology Advisory Board of BP plc and A*Star Board Singapore. She also chairs the boards of Brainomix Ltd, Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst and the Sainsbury Laboratories Norwich.

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