06 May 2022

AI drug discovery

Mark Davies
SVP Informatics & Data

Drug discovery is ripe for disruption. A time consuming and expensive process, taking years and costing billions, the industry is crying out for faster and more accurate drug targets to test at clinical trials. However technology has not been able to keep up, until now.

A panel of leaders discuss the future possibilities and applications

  • The role in cost cutting of new drug spend and development times
  • AI collaboration to target, identify and diagnose faster

Gaining insights from clinical trial data Moderator:

  • Steve Carney, Editor, Drug Discovery Today
  • Martin-Immanuel Bittner, CEO, Arctoris
  • Neil Sahota, Artificial Intelligence Advisor, United Nations; Interim CEO ACSILabs
  • Djork-Arne Clevert, Director Machine Learning, Bayer
  • Marta Gaia Zanchi, Founder and Managing Partner, Nina Capital
  • Mark Davies, SVP of Informatics and Data, BenevolentAI

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